red light districts of Tokyo have been well-documented through the ages
in many mediums. The pervasiveness and variety of consumable
interactions for every sexual taste and perversion, has existed in Japan
since time immemorial. All these intimate contacts are smuggled under
the winking eye of the law, yet somehow there has been one form of
straight-up flesh peddling that has escaped actual legislation. BOYS
FOR SALE won’t win any awards for the ingenuity of its title, but it
does give viewers a fascinating plunge into the thriving world of
male-for-male prostitution.
large billboard stands at the center of Shinjuku Ni-chome (Area 2),
one of the biggest gay districts on the planet: The sign is a cartoon
rendering of two men closely embracing; its text reminding onlookers of
the still-present threat of HIV and urges them to employ safe sex.
Under the sign stand several flashily-dressed young men, clearly
implying available companionship for the evening, the hour, or a few hot
minutes. It is not here that we’re stopping; we’re treading into the
deeper waters of the more than 800 gay businesses saturating the
district, on to the (in)famous bar scene. We pass several
entrances that bear signs out front resembling restaurant menus; however
instead of displaying delicious dishes, the photos are of youthful men
that a customer can order and consume just as easily.
set-up is simple: A customer walks into the bar, in which all the
available “boys,” or “urisen,” are stood up for the client’s selection.
Money changes hands between the bar manager and john, and in small,
cramped backrooms with barely enough space for a slim bed, negotiations
and exertions take place.
FOR SALE explains that the available men in the club mostly identify as
straight; some even in committed relationships with their girlfriends.
The “boys” describe what they do with other men is only a job, for which
they receive unspectacular pay. About two-thirds of the urisen
interviewed request disguises, pseudonyms, and voice alteration to speak
on-camera, while others have no such concern for possible consequences.
One such fellow hides behind a fetching mask, in part because he’s not
really supposed to be there, being four years past his bar’s proclaimed
urisen expiration date of age 26. Others are more up front about their
worry about friends, families, and daytime employers finding out about
their night work, which none of the men see as permanent, except perhaps
a couple of fellows contemplating moving up to manage such an
FOR SALE is absolutely fascinating. It asks – and gets answers to - so
many questions anyone would have when faced with someone doing this type
of sex work; particularly considering the asserted heterosexuality of
majority of the tricks (Though some admit to bisexuality).
Throughout the course of the discussions with the “boys,” they
matter-of-factly relate graphic descriptions of their first times being
chosen at the bar, and various gradations of male-on-male sex; things
that physically hurt, things that weren’t as bad as they thought it was
going to be, and some of their weirdest experiences and customers. The
urisen break down how much they are paid, and what is left after the
house receives its cut, which, considering the men’s effort, doesn’t
seem like terribly much. They detail the standard bar etiquette and
acts performed that fulfil their allotted time with their clients.
also learn a bit about what brought the “boys” to the bar in the first
place. For some, it was low or lack of employment, while others simply
ran away from home and immediately joined the stable. Two of the
urisen tell us they ended up in the bar as a result of catastrophic
earthquakes and tsunamis in Iwate and Fukushima (Which also endured a
nuclear power plant meltdown), with one subject losing both his home and planned
future while only in middle school.
“boys” also talk about how their closeness with each other and shared
experience working as urisen is something they can only talk about
amongst themselves. That camaraderie not only makes their work bearable
(Cos it ain’t the pay), but some claim it actually has kept them
working at the bar longer than intended. (Although the walkthrough
of the cramped, disgustingly filthy dormitory where the “boys” may
reside if they choose, makes one wonder how they can live together at
of the stories of life in the boys bar are entertaining and funny, and
the tellers display some of the charm that keep the punters coming back,
but there are those like 19-year-old Ran, one of the urisen whose life
was completely destroyed by a tsunami. Ran relates being tied up and
gang-raped on the premises, with no follow up as to what happened to his
rapists. Another “boy,” talks of also being violated during his first
time with a customer. In these instances and others, the perpetrators’
lack of condom use also provides a chilling lead-in to another danger
rampant in the gay community in Japan. As a highly industrialised
country; the rate at which HIV/AIDS cases in Japan have increased
exponentially year after year, is astounding.
asked by the crew to discuss what, if any, guidance the bar management
provides about safe sex, one supervisor carefully discusses a sort of
soap test for STDs (That just sounds like wishful thinking), but
one urisen claims the managers have never trained him in how to protect
himself. Another urisen talks about his intimidation when asking johns
to wear a condom, which more often than not finds the “boy” submitting
to unprotected sex. When 18-year-old Shouta is asked how one gets an
STD, it is clear he has no idea, and doesn’t really know anything about
HIV/AIDS, or its transmission. After a long deliberation, veteran host
Co claims he has never known an urisen with an STD, which seems
extremely unlikely.
is also concerning because as someone in the prime of his teenage years,
in the very first days of his adulthood, the young man is already
looking at the future through the darkest lens possible. He has no
hopes or aspirations. With the constant transaction of his flesh
framing his mindset, everything comes down to money; including the idea
of starting a family of his own. So, he wishes not only to go through
life alone, but hopes that his life will be a short one. Considering
Japan’s extraordinary suicide rate, I wish there had been a word about
the “boys”’ mental health, as well as their physical well-being.
I also
would have liked some insight as to the reason why it is so important
for the “boys” to represent as straight, including Co, who says he is
“obviously gay”? In the film, it’s discussed from the business angle,
explaining that the john knows he had to pay straight “boys,” as opposed
to thinking he “has a chance” for a free go with a gay urisen. However,
I was more curious about the psychology from the john’s end, and whether
the idea of having sex with someone straight was somehow more exciting
in light of the conservative attitudes pervading current Japan, where
homosexuality is looked at in a taboo way that it was not for millennia
prior to the Meiji era.
FOR SALE integrates drawings and animation by N Tani Studio to depict
the actions described by the urisen in clear and graphic detail, so the
audience can have no doubt what they are talking about. It is at once
whimsical and informative, and unlike the film’s title, terribly clever.
It is
clear there was an abundance of time and care taken for the filmmakers
to create the level of trust to get these young men to be so brutally
honest about their experiences, and confess all to the camera. (When
asked by the crew which was more difficult, many of the urisen choose
the interview over their nightly sex work.) Considering the
legendary shyness and reserve of the Japanese people; the openness and
frankness of the film is truly remarkable. The men’s willingness to
answer all the questions put to them, even slightly voyeuristic ones -
i.e. the ones we all wanted to know, but were afraid to ask - makes the
film one of the standout documentaries of the year. In the bit under an
hour and a half that BOYS FOR SALE is on screen, we really are walking
into a world the general public might never see for themselves, but is
stunning to know exists.
~ The
Lady Miz Diva
October 21st, 2017

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