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Hey y’all, so happy to be graced with one last blast of AM2 madness courtesy of our brilliant Melissa Castor.  Miss Missy had some excellent alone time with the boys from Sadie and here’s their chat, followed by Melissa’s report of Sadie’s first ever overseas concert including exclusive pics.

Dig it!



AM2 Exclusive Interview

Melissa Castor:  Thank you for taking the time to do this interview.  May I first ask you to introduce yourselves and what position you play in the band?

Kei:  I am drummer Kei.

Tsurugi:  I am guitarist Tsurugi.

Mao:  Vocalist Mao.

Aki:  I am bassist Aki.

Mizuki: “Guitarist Mizuki desu…desu.”


MC:  What made you want to become musicians?

Kei:  I really like Yoshiki from X Japan.  When I saw him performing, that was when I made the decision to become a musician.

Tsurugi:  In the beginning, I thought it was the best chance to meet girls.  But now I think it is an opportunity to make great music.

Mao:  I was first influenced by one of my cousins who plays guitar.  Although I’m a vocalist, I think the best part of being a musician is using music to influence the world. 

Aki:  I’ve played piano since I was really little.  Piano is only one person, but a band is a whole group.  I like the group dynamic.

Mizuki:  The first time was when I was in high school, and I had the opportunity to play in the band.  After that, I got really into it and wanted to make it my career.


MC:  Where do you get inspiration for lyrics?

Mao:  When I am creating lyrics, it is all about my emotions.  It is like talking to people.  It’s the words I want to talk to people about and I put them in my lyrics.  Lyrics are my emotions that I want to express to the audience.


MC:  What do you think about the language barrier; you speaking Japanese and people overseas speaking English?  Do you think it is a problem or do you still get your message across to the audience?

Mao:  Even if one cannot understand the exact meaning, people can tell what we are trying to say through our expressions and movements.  For example, if I am screaming and shouting, people can get the feel of what the lyrics are about.  I believe our music alone, if you come to our shows, you can definitely understand what we are trying to tell you.


MC:  How do you feel about social networking sites, such as Twitter and blogs?  I know Aki will sometimes blog in both Japanese and English.  Do you feel this helps you connect to your fans?

Sadie:  Three of us have Twitter; Mao, Tsurugi and Mizuki.

Aki:  When I write my blog, I want a lot of people to read it.  I want to connect to a lot of people and having duel languages is the best way to do this.

Mao:  I like Twitter.  I have been tweeting since being in America.  That is the reason why I brought my laptop - for Twitter.


MC:  Mizuki is in the side-project “Karasu.”  Would any of the other members like to do side-projects such as that? 

Mao:  We think overall, Sadie comes first.  We can have fun in side-projects; but we would never want to exclude any other members.  Sadie will always be first.


MC:  If you switched positions in the band, what part would you like to take?

Tsurugi:  Violin.

Kei:  Trumpet.

Mao:  I don’t usually play other instruments… but DJ.  I want to be a DJ.

Mizuki:  If you look at the stage, I like the position of bass player.  I think the most fun instrument is actually drums.


MC:  If these were the instruments Sadie played, I think you would have a very interesting sound.

Tsurugi:  I can’t even play violin. *doo doo doo twang* {-imitates violin playing and a string breaking}


MC:  If you could tour with another band, American, Japanese or otherwise, who would it be and why?

Tsurugi:  Personally, I want to tour with Bullet for My Valentine.

Kei:  Shojo Jidai {Girl’s Generation}.  Other than that, I’d like to tour with anyone.

Mao:  I want to try to tour with American bands.  I can’t think of any, but I want that kind of experience.

Aki:  A music festival.  I want to play in a festival in Las Vegas.

Mizuki:  MUCC.  But exclude Tatsurou.  Screw Tatsurou. I want to play with the rest of the band.  I think Tatsurou is annoying.


MC:  What hopes do you have for the future of Sadie?  What can we look forward to next?

Mao:  We hope this year to release a new CD and we will have a Japanese tour.  Then we will definitely come back to the US and have a tour again.


MC:  Thank you very much!


~Melissa Castor

June 30th, 2011



AM2 Concert Report

Prior to the start of the concert, an announcement was made which stated, “This is a convention center, not a concert hall,” but once Sadie took the stage, I begged to differ with that statement. The floor could literally be felt shaking from attendees jumping up and down as soon as the show started. It was a high energy live; one fast paced song after another, keeping everyone on their feet, jumping and head banging as they pleased from their seats. Due to convention rules, it was not possible for attendees to leave their chairs, but that did not stop anyone from having an excellent time.

Their performance at AM2 in Anaheim, CA was Sadie’s first overseas concert. It was everything one could expect from a Sadie live and then some. For a convention, it was hardcore. The live started with band members each walking on stage before vocalist Mao finally emerged. He started the live off by screaming, “Can I kill you?”

Mao jumped up on the center platform throughout the live, singing passionately, clearly putting his all into this show. Guitarist Mizuki would frequently sing the growling parts as Mao was singing the lyrical aspect, giving a rough yet polished sound that makes Sadie who they are.

One unique point of this show was that, since this was a convention, the stage had an attached runway platform, used earlier in the day for the fashion shows. The band made good use of this runway, moving forward, closer to fans whenever they could. Mao walked down the runway a few times, moving to the very end.

Guitarist Tsurugi could be seen dancing to the music, jamming on his side of the stage. He would often move forward and to the far right of the stage, so every person could see him. Bassist Aki was stoic most of the show, remaining in place and reserved.

Later in the show, Mao again screamed to the audience multiple times, “Can I kill you?” to which they cheered happily. He exhibited his vocal range; from low growls, to a high-pitched scream into a balanced, melodic singing voice. During Payment of vomiter, he stood up on the center platform, letting his arms hang like a dolls, almost giving the effect as if he were a dead body.

When Crimson tear

 came on, Aki finally moved to the edge of the stage, to the joy of the audience. Mizuki and Tsurugi decided it was time to make use of the runway, and both moved halfway down it before standing and playing guitar for a short while.

Mao asked the audience to clap and throw their hands up during GIMMICK. In the middle of the song, he made use of the runway once again as he had been doing the entire show. He first dumped water over his head and back, then kneeled in the middle of the stage. He then laid down on the stage before crawling to the front edge, pushing himself half over it while lying upside down, all the while keeping in time with the song. When he went back to center stage, he went over to Tsurugi’s side. Mao put his arm around Tsurugi for a moment before Tsurugi proceeded to kiss Mao’s shoulder, which erupted in cheers and screams from the audience with this slight display of fanservice.

When they started playing Kagerou, Mao ended up standing back to back with Mizuki, eventually winding an arm around his shoulder before having Mizu sing a verse of the song.

Near the very end, Mizuki & Tsurugi both went on the runway platform, playing side by side, as Mao walked down the middle of them. He asked the audience to “bang your head” with him. He dropped the microphone and proceeded to head bang harder than he had the entire show. 

The show ended with Shingan. It was a great performance for Sadie’s first overseas live. All band members were very much into this performance, giving it their all. One can only hope they will perform in America again, perhaps in a proper concert venue so there will be no restrictions on remaining in a seat or noise levels.


01*Grieving the dead soul
迷彩 (Meisai)
クライモア (Cry More)
砂漠のシンドローム (Sabaku no Sydrome)
06*under the chaos

08*Graceful Angel
ドレス (Dress)
11*Payment of vomitter
12*Crimson tear

13*Ice Romancer
陽炎 (Kagerou)
サイコカルチャー (Psycho Culture)
心眼 (Shingan)



~Melissa Castor

Special Contributor for The Diva Review

July 1st, 2011


Click here for Melissa's report & exclusive photos of SCANDAL at AM2

Click here for Melissa's exclusive interview, concert report & photos of heidi. at AM2


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